Friday, December 7, 2012

The Crowd

 If you know me, you know that I love Sex and the City, and that I relate to Carrie Bradshaw in so many levels, as do many other single women/gays out there. I know, I'm a cliché! Lately I've been feeling very depressed, and I've been questioning so many things and I got reminded of when Carrie went to Paris and she had the worst time ever. I'm going to explain it to you in 5 parts, but first here's the video:

Part 1: Carrie is eating alone because Aleksander Petroskvy had to work on his art installations, I believe. This is one of the greatest scenes the show has ever created. She sits alone, with all these pastries and a cigarette on hand. The only contact she has is with this big dog, and that sets the mood to show you how lonely she will get throughout the day. Even though I'm an L.A. native, it's not hard to feel so foreign around here, and you'll never know true loneliness until you go out to have a meal by yourself. There are days where I don't hear from anyone, but that doesn't keep me home.

Part 2: Carrie is walking in the street and this random girl bops her in the head and sticks her tongue out at her. Okay, I'll say it, kids are the biggest fucking assholes out there. You have no idea how many times I've gone out and had kids fucking stare at me like I'm some sort of weird creature. Why don't their parents tell them anything? What about the golden rule of not staring at others? This infuriates me a lot! When I was a kid I was very polite, and if I saw someone strange I kept any comments to myself. "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all." I remember walking next to the elementary Catholic school across my dwelling and I heard a 7 year old boy ask his friend, "is that a boy or a girl?" Why did they care? Done.

Part 3: Suddenly after that happens, she steps on dog shit. My life is a minefield of dog shit, figuratively off course; if it's not one thing, it's another. In this scene, some random guy passes by and just looks at her and puts his hands up, like what did that do? That didn't help at all! It's like a few days ago, I was hanging out with a 'friend' and she kept on telling me all her problems. I always try to offer advice so I was hoping for the same when I told her about my problem. Her response: "that sucks." Next thing you know, it was back to her. I have feelings too! Why doesn't anyone help me wipe my shoes off?

Part 4: There's a random guy on a boat and he waves at her from afar; he seems very enthusiastic. There are many ways to interpret this scene honestly, but the way I took it was that this guy found her attractive and took a liking to her, which explains the way he's reacting. She waves back but you can tell she's still sad over everything else that has happened. That's me! Have you ever had a stranger try to talk to you, or cheer you up, but you remain oblivious to it because why should you care that some random is trying to distract, or appease you, when they know nothing of what's going on in your life? And it's always someone who you don't even want to get to know! Ugh, Carrie, I feel for you!

Part 5: She's at the hotel, Aleksander, the man she's in love with, shows up and everything's suppose to be alright, but she pretends to be asleep. At the end of the day, she has what she had wanted for a long time, a boyfriend, Paris, the works, but why isn't she happy? Can one ever be satisfied? I don't have a lot of friends, but I enjoy the ones I have, I don't have a boyfriend, but I don't want a boyfriend, so what is wrong with me? Why am I not happy? I would always say, "Life is complicated, but it doesn't have to be" so why am I making it?

My final note is going to end with the little girl that bopped Carrie's head; what was that bitches problem? Really, what was her fucking problem? Some people don't know what's going on in other people's lives but they feel the need to comment or act upon it! Why didn't that little bitch just mind her own business? Why did she have to bop Carrie's head? Why did she have to end it with sticking her tongue out? Adding insult to injury! Are people jealous of me? These are the questions that we will never know the answers too.

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