Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blood On the Wall

There are things that we do that we know are bad for us, even though they make us extremely happy, so are these bad habits of us really bad? Or do we believe they're bad because that's what we've been raised to believe? I've been pretty happy lately, for no reason. I've had little adventures that I wouldn't wish on anyone but myself, because I'm a little selfish like that. One of these last nights was the best for me, it was like the best days I've had in awhile. It's kinda weird how it takes me a few drinks to be happy sometimes, but that only enhances the experience. Is that bad?

I've come to an end of another personal journey, and it's somewhat bitter-sweet because I'm happy that it's over, but now I'm stuck with the, "now what?" questions all over my mind. What will I do now that I'm getting older? When will I move out of my parent's house? When will I start learning how to drive? When will I start my career? Am I sure I'm pursuing the right career? Do I really want to grow up? Should I just suck dick for money? (jk on the last one!)

I wish I could be more specific but I've learned to hold back. I'm trying to find more ways to be happy within myself, and I'm learning how to be happy with myself, not to get mad at others for petty shit, not to be jealous. I'm teaching myself how to turn a negative into a positive, and not to cut off certain people, but cut off their negative thoughts. A lot of people say a lot of unnecessary elitist comments, and I'm coping with not letting that affect me, because we're all different. If you want to be a lame ass Debbie Downer, go ahead, but don't get mad at me when you see me out there living my life. Or do so, I'll be too busy being happy to notice.

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